Saturday, May 20, 2006

Age ain't nothin but a number?

I'm Old... well, older anyhow. Monday is my birthday. Last night was the celebration.

Top 5 ways you know you had too much fun the night before...

  • 5. You wake up giggling and drunk

  • 4. You wake up and declare the friend sleeping next to you, your soul mate

  • 3. You thank her for pulling you back from the "precipice" of yet another boy (you also mispronounce precipice; saying it in an accent that somewhat resembles Kentucky Fried chicken man Colonel Sanders)

  • 2. Your impaired hand-eye coordination results in you slapping yourself in the face with a bottle of water

  • 1. You almost drown yourself when you 1. think it's a good idea to drink from the water bottle while lying down and 2. seriously consider whether or not you are going to sit up to swallow the water that is currently blocking your airways.

  • Here are a couple of the pictures that were taken before I was too um... happy to care about my camera.

    Digi, me and Tess

    I'm a rebel... ok I wish I was a rebel

    My pretty orange dress. I see alot of wears in its future.

    The girls

    The best server EVER. K was awesome. You all have to go to Grace O'Malley's and tip her well!

    After that... it's pretty much just pictures of me shakin' it in three inch heels on the dance floor... and I'm quite positive that none of you want to see that!


    Anonymous said...

    Happy b-day Trish. Looks like you had a good one. Now get back to work! ;)

    Jess said...

    happy belated bday!

    Unknown said...

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY Trish!! We get more gracious with ever year. By the way that ornage dress is hot! ;)

    Anonymous said...

    Hey Gurly,

    I just wanted to wish happy birthday for the third time...and that is all

    Anonymous said...

    You're cute!

    Anonymous said...


    Happy be-lated birthday.