Friday, August 12, 2005

Oh Yeah!

I just purchased tickets to see my new favorite band, Death Cab, play Toronto. I am soooooooo excited.

Many of you are probably wondering who they are, and why I love them. Those of you that watch the OC might remember them and their name from a few of the episodes (Seth loves them).

True music lovers may balk at the fact that I discovered them through a TV show*, but I don't care. I love them, and I'm going to see them in October!

* Of course anyone who complains, probably started watching the OC because of the lesbian love affair; and there's nothing wrong with that :)


Jess said...

ah!!!i'm so jealous!!!

Anonymous said...

my first SPAM!! Should I take a picture to remember this moment, or what?!?

PINKS: I know!!! It's awesome! You should check out their website to see if they're playing near you. You can actually buy presale tickets from their website too!

Anonymous said...

Those soundtracks on the teenage drama tv shows are always good. I think it's cool that they show the 'music featured on tonights episode' at the end. Thanks for mentioning this band. I'll check them out.

london cokehead said...

That's a pretty cool band .. Never heard of them but just downloaded from i-tunes ...

Thanks ...

babyjewels said...

Oh, I love "sound of settling". We spent 10 hours in the car this weekend listening to our ipod. Didn't have a playlist, so I was the dj. I played a few deathcabs.

I discovered aimee mann through btvs, so no judging here.

Forzavryheid said...


Summer...mmmmmmm... although her dress sense in real life is a bit shocking if

is anything to go by.

Awwww... you got SPAMMED! Anonymous you're about to lose more than your hair if you come back Schmuckface sonnofamabitch. : )

(Sorry Trish, but I HATE spammers)

I'll see if I can find some of this bands music to download later tonight and get back to you on it.

Have you ever heard of goldie looking Chain? Theyre a funny Welsh rap group, dodgy at best, but HILARIOUS. Who could forget such great hits as: "Your mothers got a penis"?

Ahhhhhh....the good life.

Jason said...

I just watch it to see how "accurate" it is. Oh, OK, the storylines have me hooked.

Forzavryheid said...

Only if "storyline" is code for Summer... LOL!

TRISH that band ROCKS!! Brilliant, I gained a new music;a interest. Touche.

Anonymous said...

Colin wants to know if you know that the lead singer of Death Cab is the same lead singer of Postal Service

Anonymous said...

Woman!! I totally love Death Cab! I too discovered them through the OC, and I downloaded a bunch of their songs... Very good stuff! I love "A Lack of Color" and "Transatlanticism." I would love to go to this concert... Email me the details. Thanks! Have a great time there.

Anonymous said...

What's on tonight: Baseball, tennis, and a West Wing marathon
Some great episodes on Bravo's regular marathon of The West Wing. It starts at 7pm.
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Jess said...

dude why are you getting spammed by anon people so much?! i just finished watching Laguna Beach on MTV which is my filler until the OC comes back on. I love that show!!!

Serena said...

I miss the OC, and... okay, I miss all tv! I've got a bunch of death cab on my ipod.

But I'm w/ babyjewels on Aimee Mann who I have obsessed over for years! I love her.

Jason said...

PinksandRoses, that is a seriously cute new profile pic!

mr. tomas ubik said...

when is death cab coming, can you let me know on my site? please should get bloc party tix for the 12..amazing and awesome.

b said...


The OC is killing music.
