Saturday, September 03, 2005

ooooo Boy!

Friends, Bloggers, and country men... it's been a while! A week has gone by, and I feel like I've packed within it, a months worth of work! I am "fat-and-gay" (I guess I have to explain that: In French, the word for "tired" is "fatigué". It is pronounced faat-iy-gay, sometimes fat-ay-gay. Soooooooo my mom and I say that we're fat and--> ("et", pronounced "ay" is "and" in English) gay, when we're tired... That is the long "et" the short of it!)

Anyway... Work has been really intense for the past couple of weeks and instead of resting up on the weekends, like a good girl should, I can usually be found dancing in some horrible* club in Toronto or drinking at home with friends. I haven't partied like this since my university days. God I'm old! It has been fun though.

Last weekend it was a sleepover with a friend of mine from York University. We watched the entire first season of the OC while drinking amaretto sours. We were going to play an OC drinking game (drink every time a character says hey, or whenever Ryan gives a sidelong, brooding glance.) I'm glad we didn't though, we would have become much more inebriated that we already were; which would have been bad!

This weekend I was supposed to be in the country horseback riding, but that got canceled and so I've been partying with friends instead. Last night I went to a club called Dream. The decor is basically just beds and gauze, (really cheesy!) but the DJ was awesome. He played alot of old school R&B and kept throwing in some really great songs from the soul and disco eras. I danced 'til my feet couldn't take it anymore! The times were fun, helped entirely by the good music, good friends, and a drink called "hypnotic"... mmmmm good times had by all!

Tonight, it's out with the girls, to see if I can stay up past the wee hours of the morning once again!

*(I really don't like Toronto clubs. They're usually like a cocky man; big ego, no climax ;)


Anonymous said...

Fun! I think it's healthy to get out and party hard every once in a while after college. Then you'll have more recent partying days to compare your future partying too. I joked with my friend, after a recent party weekend, that now we don't have to say, "Remember that frat party...", all the time...more current references...keps you young.

Jason said...

The entire first season? Geez, I thought I was a marathoner watching the final six Six Feet Unders this weekend. You got stamina!

Jess said...

hmm, well the oc starts up again today!!! i'm so excited!

Anonymous said...

How lucky am I that I appear in your blog - and twice!! Can you imagine how much drunker we would have been had we done drinking games for brooding glances?? Definitely next time though! We have to finish that season. Cannot wait for Seth tonight! Mmmm... COHEN!

Jess said...

where in the world did you go? come back!! i miss you!

Jeremiah said...

Sweet Deal, what's the OC (lol j/k), I've never watched it.

Anonymous said...

Ah, a full season marathoner - there is nothing better!